Sunday, November 30, 2008


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Dear Friend, Greetings from Nigeria, my name is Mr. Chris Ogienwonyi, NNPC’s Executive Director (in charge of Exploration), I seek your consent for your company to be used as a sub-contractor in the Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) been carried out by Chevron and NNPC in collaboration with Sasol, a South African company on the Escravos Gas to Liquid (EGTL) project.
The contract was originally awarded at the sum of $1.7 billion but after negotiations it was reviewed and increased to the sum $5.9 billion due to the volatile situation in Niger Delta. The reasons given was the depreciating value of the dollar, the need to beef up more security, training of the staff and the construction of fences as well as the designs at the site. The increase was also necessary so that the contract completion date earlier slated for Feb.29 2009 could be achieved.
In this aspect, I and other members of the committee need a reliable company to be included as a sub-contractor that you participated in the execution of the project as the excess contract amount will be shared between the contractors involved as we cannot collect the money by ourselves. And I have been mandated by trust to look for a reliable company whom we can deal with.
It will be stated that your company took part in the Turn Around Maintenance and your contract payment is $20 million which will be shared in the ratio of 30% for you and 70% for us. Mobilization fees and start-up fees have been paid out to other contractors, so once you are involved the 1st payment will be made to you on the assurance that we will get our percentage once the fund is been transferred to your account.
Do please confirm your interest in this transaction as we will be in a pole position to discuss more on your response. Best regards.
Mr. Chris Ogienwonyi

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